极地气候系统是地球系统的重要组成部分,极地气候系统在全球变暖背景下正经历剧烈的变化。极地与全球其它区域存在复杂的相互作用,极地区域发生的变化及其成因是我们目前面临的极具挑战性的重大科学问题。由于极地区域观测稀少,我们对极地过程的了解严重不足。为加深对极地气候变化和极端事件成因的理解,提高极地气候变化和极端事件的预测能力,一系列国际合作计划正在酝酿和推进。例如,“国际极地预报年”(Year of Polar Prediction, YOPP)计划旨在通过国际合作加强极地气候系统的协同观测,提高南北两极气候和天气的预报水平。特别是,计划于2019-2020年实施的多学科北冰洋漂移观测(The Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate,MOSAiC),将史无前例地在北冰洋中心地带实施全年观测。为了协调和参与这些重大国际合作计划,这次研讨会将邀请国际和国内著名极地专家参会,交流最新研究成果,把握未来优先研究方向,促进国际合作与交流。
- 极地气候变化及其与全球的联系;
- 极地天气气候极端事件和灾害性冰情;
- 极地海洋环流和海洋-海冰-冰架-大气耦合作用机理。
王召民,河海大学; 张向东, 美国阿拉斯加大学费尔班克斯分校;John Turner, 英国南极局; Annette Rinke,德国阿尔弗雷德魏格纳极地和海洋研究中心。
Polar Climate Change: Driving Processes,
Extreme Events, and Global Linkages
First Announcement
23-24 October 2017
Hohai University, Nanjing, China
Polar climate is an important component of the global earth system and has experienced dramatic changes in a warming world. The changes in the polar region and their possible influences on and feedback by processes in the rest of the globe have raised great challenges for scientific research. Polar regions have been the least observed and understood regions. To improve understanding and prediction of polar climate changes, and associated extreme events and global impacts, a number of international initiatives for polar climate research, such as Year of Polar Prediction(YOPP),The Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC), have been recently planned to carry out. To coordinate with and contribute to these activities and field campaigns, this workshop will bring together leading international and Chinese polar scientists to present new research progress, identify knowledge gaps and research priorities, and discuss future international collaborations.
This workshop covers, but is not limited to, the following themes:
- Polar Climate Change and its Global Linkages
- Polar Climate and weather Extremes and Disastrous Ice Conditions
- Polar Ocean Circulation and Ocean-Ice-Atmosphere Interactions
The workshop welcomes international and Chinese scientists to contribute oral and poster presentations.
Other Information:
For more information, to register, and to submit abstracts, please contact Dr. Xuezhu Wang before 31 August 2017: xuezhu.wang@hhu.edu.cn.
Workshop Co-Chairs:
Zhaomin Wang, Hohai University; Xiangdong Zhang, University of Alaska Fairbanks; John Turner, British Antarctic Survey; Annette Rinke, Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research.